Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray

Title: A Thousand Pieces of You
Author: Claudia Gray
Series: Firebird #1
Genre: Young Adult Sci-Fi
Publisher: Harper Teen
Pub Date: November 4, 2014
Pages: 368
My Copy: E-Book 

Book Summary:

Marguerite Caine’s physicist parents are known for their radical scientific achievements. Their most astonishing invention: the Firebird, which allows users to jump into parallel universes, some vastly altered from our own. But when Marguerite’s father is murdered, the killer—her parent’s handsome and enigmatic assistant Paul—escapes into another dimension before the law can touch him.

Marguerite can’t let the man who destroyed her family go free, and she races after Paul through different universes, where their lives entangle in increasingly familiar ways. With each encounter she begins to question Paul’s guilt—and her own heart. Soon she discovers the truth behind her father’s death is more sinister than she ever could have imagined.

A Thousand Pieces of You explores a reality where we witness the countless other lives we might lead in an amazingly intricate multiverse, and ask whether, amid infinite possibilities, one love can endure

Book Review:

A totally wonderful, uplifting and exhilarating adventure of a book that takes you on a journey that you will not forget. Marguerite’s life is one wild ride from the moment she takes the journey to try to find her father’s killer and justice. She finds that things are not always what they seem. Plus her life is very different with every reality.

What I found really interesting is that when it starts, Marguerite finds herself wanting revenge for her father’s death. We get the background story of Marguerite and the other characters, her family, the two men in her life Paul and Theo.  Paul is a family friend, Theo is her friend, maybe boyfriend possibly. She thinks that Paul has murdered her father because of the technology that her father has created and used a device known as the Firebird which allows people to travel to alternate dimensions taking over their other selves in that dimension. I thought that this was an interesting concept, plus it was believable the way that the technology worked. Plus Theo manages to assemble two old ones so that both him and Marguerite can find Paul and bring him to justice for killing Marguerite’s father. I really like that there’s a purpose to Marguerite’s traveling through dimensions, except that nothing is what we really think.

As we go through the dimensions, we learn that Paul has been set up. During some of the dimensions or alternate realities, we find that things are a lot different. One of my favorite dimensions was the one where Marguerite was a princess and that Paul was her guard. I thought that this was really well done. Plus Paul and Marguerite really get to know one another on a very different level. Their relationship was so great to see it unfold and blossom in a very unexpected way. Plus we learn that Paul isn’t what we are told. He is a  great character in his own way.

The book is intense in a lot of ways. We learn that there are other people pulling strings. Then there’s a twist regarding Theo. Theo is not her Theo, but another Theo from a different world. I totally could get this with all that we know about the Firebird technology. Plus Marguerite finds out that what she thought about the past is not true. Also there’s a really cool twist that I totally enjoyed, but I don’t want to spoiled that I really found awesome.

Great action, romance, twists, alternated dimensions, and fighting for what you want and believe in is all wrapped up in this book. This book was awesome.


4.5 Hearts


  1. I really enjoyed this book. It’s a series a need to finish for sure.

  2. I've had this book for years now but still haven't picked it up. It sounds really good, though. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. :D
